Get Off Your Suffering Cross
Bimini Dolphin Free Swim July 22-27, 2012
April 30, 2012
“Get off the suffering cross and take effective action in the world.” Hand Clow
I have been re-listening to Tolle’s audio book New Earth recently and I am always amazed what I learn that I evidently wasn’t ready to hear the first time around. As I read Hand Clow’s recent quote, it dovetailed perfectly into one thing I integrated from New Earth the second time around.
Tolle says that the ego is a construct of the 3rd dimension. That it is necessary to create form and that ego needs to attach itself to something “real” to give it existence. In a universe that is truly made up of vibration and frequency as we now know, it is our mind that gives things solidity and makes them “real” for us and it is the ego’s job to keep you in this 3D world so naturally the ego has an agenda. Without our attachments, it could not exist.
One of things that ego attaches it’s self to is our emotions and especially those we are “addicted” to. This was a big breakthrough for me in my own life but even more poignantly for some friends and clients (to me one and the same for the most part). The ego constantly needs attention and validation and most often unconsciously, when we have an experience that creates attention (the mind and ego do not differentiate between positive and negative) the ego keeps creating more similar experiences and emotions to attract more attention. When this is unconscious as it usually is and when you don’t know how to use your emotions constructively to move you forward (most don’t…Try my book The Wounded Heart to learn how) you become stuck in the ego’s repeated loop to give it validity.
I have one friend I have worked with for years now who has been in physical pain almost her entire life and it has been so hard to find the key to helping her shift this reality. Although she has long periods now that are not so painful, she always seems to loop back to extreme pain and no one can find the medical cause. (Heard that one before!) This friend is one of many children in an Iowa farm family. Her next sibling was born only 10 months after she was and had some issues that required lots of attention. At around 2 years of age she was run over accidentally be a tractor and suffered tremendous pain. From that point on it was a series of accidents, broken bones, surgeries, hip replacements and on and on taking her well into her 60’s.
I realized that subconsciously her Ego was creating the pain to get attention. It was a difficult thing to share with her and even though it didn’t feel right she decided to remain open and explore. She began to acknowledge her pain and re- program her mind to see the pattern thus beginning to erode ego’s ability to attract these experiences to get attention. Within a few weeks she has been experiencing far less pain and she told me recently that she knows this is right. The hardest thing was owning it. You can’t change it until you own it.
Check out this week’s video to learn more. If you or someone you love seems to be in a relentless cycle of poverty, illness, pain or just plain bad “luck” see if this understanding may help to begin to shift the “ground hog day” pattern and thus the symptoms of Ego Attachment as I have now come to call it. Two other Reflections videos you may find helpful are linked below. Have a great May Day and I will visit again next week.
DOLPHINS July 22-27, 2012 Join the dolphins, Nancy Joy and Ezekiel as we open our hearts and welcome the new consciousness during the powerful Heliacal Rising of Sirius (the extraterrestrial home of the Cetaceans) at Sunrise July 26. To find out more and register: Bimini Dolphin Free Swim
EGYPT Where will you be December 21, 2012? Dec. 16-23
Gateway to The New Reality: Private Nile Cruise Sign up Now Find Out More Details Click Below
December 21, 2012 Heartlights Journey